Foggy mermaid dog portraits   Recently updated!

Brad decided to spend his birthday doing a small photo shoot with the dogs. We got a new backdrop that has blue, purple, and pink mermaid scales on it. We put a fuzzy white blanket in front of the backdrop, which Alice promptly peed on.

Still, she consented to model for Brad while he was getting the settings right in his camera. She is a sable and white Japanese Chin with color over only one eye, and Brad used a handheld half-kaleidoscope filter for some of the shots.

We continued on despite the pee, and arranged the three doggies on the blanket for portraits together. Getting all three dogs to stay together in any sort of good looking arrangement is quite difficult! But we got a few shots. Hestia is the black and white Japanese Chin with color over only one eye. Felix is the sable and white Japanese Chin with color over both eyes. Hestia was licking her lips a lot in anticipation of more treats LOL!

All was going well until we decided to kick it up a notch and introduce Brad’s new fog machine which makes a loud noise. I tried training Felix and Alice to tolerate it (Hestia was happy to continue getting treats despite the fog machine), but Felix noped out soon after. Here is a picture of Hestia and one of Hestia with Felix exiting stage left.

Pretty quickly it got very foggy! So foggy that all the smoke alarms in the house started going off! So I had to run around opening windows, turning on the AC, and waving things in front of the smoke detectors. Felix and Alice were noped out on the couch, but Hestia was wondering why we had stopped the photo shoot as she wanted more treats. So here are pictures of the foggy house with Hestia wondering where her treats are, and of me opening windows.

Eventually the fog cleared enough for the alarms to stop going off, but at that point, Felix and Alice were not interested in doing any sort of photo shoot. Hestia was still ready for more treats, though. She’d do anything for a treat! So the rest of the session was all Hestia.

We got some of her sitting nicely, and then I’d call her to me and get her in the process of running towards the camera. These pictures turned out really good. And we even used a snoot (cone) and purple filter to get some with a purple light on her while running towards the camera!

Of course I managed to step in the pee spot about 10 times while setting Hestia up for the shots. But Hestia could have kept going all day, so long as there were treats in it for her!

Eventually, though, we called it quits. It was a long, stressful process. And we learned not to ever use the fog machine inside an unventilated house LOL! Felix and Alice recovered and forgave us. Though Hestia wanted more treats for the rest of the night. No surprise there!

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