SC State fair: livestock and lunch   Recently updated!

After the ag building, we headed over to the cow barns. We were soon meeting our friend Sabrina, who has a larger service dog, so we wanted to do the cow barns while she wasn’t with us. It isn’t really safe for a large service dog to be in the cow barns as it gets both the cows and the dog nervous!

But Felix is small and can be held on my lap so the cows don’t even notice. Felix is mildly interested in the cows. Brad got some great shots of us passing the cows. There were some really pretty ones! We even got to watch as a few cows were walked by on their way to being shown! It was very cool, though we had to dodge some poop with our wheelchairs!

After the cow barns, we met up with our friend Sabrina and her daughter Faith! I hadn’t seen Sabrina in forever, so it was great to finally get a chance to catch up! Felix and Indy are really good friends, too, so they were very excited to see each other and Indy jumped up to touch noses with Felix!

We hung out for a short while, then decided it’d be a good time to get some lunch before the lunch rush.

We headed our separate ways to get our food, then met back at a picnic table to eat. I put Felix in Brad’s cousin’s wheelchair while we were eating to keep him out of trouble since there was a lot of food on the ground and people walking by and stuff. Brad got a few pictures of the BBQ place we got lunch from and of us eating. He particularly likes the picture of me wearing BBQ sauce all over my face!

He was too into his food by the time the Tolles got there to take any pictures of Sabrina and Faith eating, but we did have good conversations together and enjoyed trying each others’ food.

Sabrina and Faith went ahead to check out the quilts, while the rest of us finished the livestock section. There weren’t too many animals out this late in the fair and on such a chilly day, so we didn’t get to see many. But the birds were really interesting with all kinds of beautiful feathers! I kept Felix on my lap so he’d be safe from all the animals!

Check back for our next blog entry where we visit more of the arts and crafts and attempt to visit the circus.

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