Doctor appointment with great down stay   Recently updated!

Today I had to visit the doctor. I’ve been having episodes where 30 min to an hour after I eat, I get major gastrointestinal problems that last 4–12 hours. It’s happened three times in the past month. Brad was too tired to go with, so it was just Felix and me.

I brought my wheelchair because honestly I’m more comfortable in my wheelchair.

Felix did a great job heeling into the doctor’s office and hanging out while I signed in. Then we waited for our appointment. I got two pictures of him in the waiting area. They show a Japanese Chin in a purple vest lying on a grey floor. One is from above, and the other from the side so you see the bottoms of chairs in the background.

When it was our turn to go back, Felix heeled down the hallway beautifully, and I got out my mat for him to lie down next to me. I think this helped—having his mat as a place marker for where he should stay.

He didn’t get up when the nurse took my vitals and I talked to her.

I managed to be filming when the doctor came into the room, and he stayed in his down stay despite the sudden opening of the door and someone entering! Here’s the video:

The doctor took me seriously, and said that there could be several things going on. She suspects it’s something to do with my gallbladder sending the wrong signals to my gut, so she ordered a gallbladder ultrasound. She also ordered some blood tests and a stool sample. And she is referring me to a GI doctor.

She said the two most likely causes she thinks of this are either my gallbladder not sending the right signals, or that I might have gastroparesis. That’s when you digest food very slowly, and it sits in your stomach a long time. She said that could trigger sudden bouts of diarrhea, though I’m not sure I really quite understand why for both the gastroparesis and the gallbladder explanations.

Hopefully the tests will reveal something and/or the GI doctor will be able to shed some more light on this! Because now I’m worried every time I eat that I’m going to get sick!

Felix was a good boy for the entire doctor visit, and the doctor even remarked on how far he’s come in his training. I believe the first time I saw her was the first doctor appointment Felix went to about two years ago. She said he is so mature and calm now, and she is very impressed with him. I was so proud!

When the other nurse came in to explain how to do the stool sample, she said she was afraid of dogs and would feel more comfortable if I held Felix securely instead of having him on the floor. I was happy to oblige. We got through the instructions no problem.

I just hope I’m able to get this figured out soon! I don’t want yet another thing wrong with me!

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