Building agility confidence—tire, weaves, and tunnel   Recently updated!

Pictures from part two of our agility class last week are in this blog entry!

We started trying the tire jump with Felix. First we wanted to get him used to running across two platforms that we would later insert the tire jump between. So Felix just ran back and forth across the platform. He loved doing this and had a great time!

Next, Susan put a tire jump in the middle of the two platforms so that it wasn’t very high up or anything. It was the width of the tire more than anything that Felix had to get used to. At first he was not interested in going through the tire. But I started feeding him treats on the tire and he got more and more comfortable with it. Susan sat on the other side of the tire, and I sat on the floor, too, and we just met him at his level.

Eventually he just went on through the tire all on his own! We celebrated, and from then on, we couldn’t stop him jumping through the tire! He was really enjoying it! Until we ran out of treats LOL!

Next up was weave poles. We didn’t get too many pictures of this, but basically I sat on the floor behind the first weave pole and we worked on the weave pole entry. Felix did a great job and right away was coming into the weaves at the right angle and really solidly! I was so proud of him!

Our final rotation for class was tunnels! Felix loves the tunnels! We had two tunnels that we were working on, a pink and a purple one. He did such a good job going through the tunnels! He also took a detour and went over a jump LOL! Brad got some good pictures of him going into and out of tunnels!

And as class ended, Brad asked me to take some pictures of him in his outfit. He was dressed all fancily in lavender and burgundy colors. He is such a model! In some of the pictures, he’s even acting like a little doggie!

We really love going to agility class, and can’t wait to get back! It’ll be a while before you’ll get Brad pictures of agility class again, but I’m sure Felix will have improved so much by then that the pictures will be even better!

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