Building agility confidence—teeter and jumps

Lots of pictures! I will have a series of two blog entries about our agility class on Thursday. Today’s blog entry deals with the teeter and jumps.

Before agility class started, I had Felix in my lap. Brad took a few pictures of us. I am wearing a black sugar skull dress with a red witch had and red rhinestone shoes. Brad also got a picture of the port-a-potty sign that says they are #1 in the #2 business LOL!

The first activity we did was the teeter. I brought in the teeter that Russ made for us, and we started out doing that to show Susan how well Felix was doing. He was prancing across it like it was nothing! Running back and forth, just so excited about getting treats for doing something he really knows how to do well.

He did so well at the baby teeter, that we decided to try him on the big teeter. We didn’t want him to do the whole thing, though—it’s so much bigger! Instead what we wanted him to do was bang it down with his foot and step onto it, then turn around and walk back down and off of it safely. He did a very good job of this!

At first I was trying to have him turn away from me to go down the teeter, but he was just jumping off. Once I started having him turn into me, he was able to turn around and go back down the teeter just fine. He was so brave and not afraid of the teeter at all!

Felix has to go back in his crate while other dogs are taking their turns, and he doesn’t understand this, so he barks a LOT. It’s *his* fun time, right? I was trying to reward him when he was being quiet, but he wasn’t doing a whole lot of being quiet. It was VERY annoying! Something we definitely need to work on!

The next time Felix got to get out of his crate, we worked on jumps. He LOVES jumps! He did such a good job going over jumps, and I worked on handling exercises that were more complicated for me than the jumping was for him.

Brad got some absolutely beautiful pictures of him jumping!!!!!! I can’t believe them, honestly! Felix’s hair flying, leaping over the bar, it is really amazing to see these pictures!

My next blog entry will cover the rest of class, where we did the tire jump, weaves, and tunnels. Brad got great pictures for these, too, but nothing compares to these jumping pictures above!

I love agility class so much! It’s so much fun for both of us, and Felix is really growing a lot in confidence as he tries and conquers new things. I wish every dog could try it!

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