Exploring the Ice Age part 2

Today’s blog entry has all the rest of the pictures Brad took while we were at the Museum of York County last week with his aunt and cousin.

We had to go through the Naturalist room to exit the Ice Age exhibit, and Brad got some good pictures of Felix passing taxidermied items including some giant bears that he used to be afraid of but isn’t any longer. In one of the pictures, he’s standing up on his hind legs like the bears behind him!

We had a bit of time to kill before the planetarium show started, so we hung out in one of Brad’s cousin’s favorite rooms. It is a night scene of an old barn with lots of taxidermied animals around. It’s dark with just a bit of blue light, so everything looks blue tinted. Felix did such a good job in this room even though it’s a little creepy at times with all the animals hiding in the display in the dark!

Next we checked out the gift shop! We were a bit of a menace in the gift shop, with Brad’s aunt nearly knocking over a display! Luckily everything was fine! I got some pictures of Brad in the gift shop, too! He was letting me shine in my outfit by wearing a pretty toned down one of his own with a dark teal shirt and a black vest.

Finally it was time for the planetarium show. We were the only ones in the whole theater! So we got the very best seats in the back. Brad got several pictures before the show started of us hanging out and chatting and making silly faces. Felix did such a good job during the show! It was about supermassive black holes, so not quite so interesting for him, but he definitely looked up at the ceiling a lot to watch what was going on!

After the show, we realized we didn’t get any pictures of all of us together! So we went back to the Ice Age exhibit (which required going through the Naturalist room) to take selfies with the Armadillo and the Giant Sloth. We sat in the exhibit for a while longer, just chatting. We always have so much fun chatting with Brad’s aunt and cousin!

When we left the building, I gave Felix some time to say hi to Brad’s aunt and cousin. But he was too interested in my treats to do much saying hi LOL! Oh well, at least they got to give him some loving! What good times we have together.

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