Double doors and double treats at Wendy’s   Recently updated!

Today Wendy’s was having a deal for a Frosty and fries all for just $1! So of course I had to go and get some! I didn’t want to eat there, but I did want to show y’all the extremely difficult double door situation, so I picked up my order inside.

Wendy’s, like many restaurants, has a double door where you walk in one door, immediately turn to the right, then immediately turn to the left, then go through another door to get in the restaurant. It’s very difficult for wheelchair users to navigate—especially those of us with service dogs!

Luckily Felix has navigated this particular one many times before, so he’s an old pro at it!

I asked a couple of strangers going to Wendy’s if they would videotape us, since Brad was too tired to go with. I think they did OK jobs 🙂 At least it gets the point across! Here is the video showing us going in and coming out of the restaurant.

While we were in the restaurant, Felix was such a good boy! I always wait to place my order until I’m inside (I order in the app) so my food isn’t just sitting around waiting for me. He just sat, and then lay down next to me while I placed my order and waited.

Here are a couple of pictures. In one, he’s sitting next to me and looking up at me. In the other he’s lying down ever so demurely right next to my wheelchair. He’s wearing the purple service dog vest that Karin made, as it best matches my purple bat dress.

I was very happy Felix was so good in the store, and that we got some video of those terrible doors. And that I got a Frosty and fries for only $1! Overall it was a good outing. I was happy to get home and eat my goodies, even though Brad stole a fry he he he! I told him he could steal all the fries he wanted (I tried to tell myself more than him!), but he said one was enough.

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