Walmart trip take two   Recently updated!

A week ago, Felix and I went to Walmart to work more on our auto-leave-it training. We had a mostly excellent time in the store.

I had gotten advice to reward Felix for all body language relating to ignoring things on the floor, and not just waiting for him to investigate to reward him for leaving things. This helped a lot and he did much better with his auto-leave-its!

We also came across another service dog in the store! Felix did a great job and ignored it.

The only hard part was the bakery section, where I think there was a machine making a high pitched sound that made him really uncomfortable. So we ignored that part of the store.

We were in the store about 20 minutes or so, and got several good videos! Here they are! One of the videos is a response video of some of the negative comments I’ve been getting about Felix’s size.

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