Half off coffee, full on relaxation

Today Starbucks had a 50% off deal, so I took Felix and we headed out there for lunch.

Unfortunately the app was not working. I prefer to order in the app so I don’t have to talk with anyone. Especially now that my hearing aid is broken! Luckily the person behind the counter was patient with me and helped me figure out how to get the discount and pay using my gift card that lives in the app.

I took Felix to sit outside with me, as it is a beautiful day! It was about 75 and cloudy, and I found a nice spot in the shade. Felix lay down nicely on his rainbow mat next to me. I wanted to get a picture of us together, but never quite found the right moment, so I just got a selfie of myself.

I really enjoyed hanging out outside and drinking my coffee. I texted a few people and just relaxed.

Felix was amazing! He’s always great at coffee shops inside, but I didn’t really know how he’d do at a coffee shop outside. He was great! Just like inside. I wish he was as good in every restaurant as he is in coffee shops!

After a while, Felix got tired of lying on his mat and he went fully underneath the table. He was so cute under there, I just had to snap a picture!

We ended up staying for probably about an hour at the coffee shop. Then we headed home. I hope to get to hang out outside a bit more today, since it is so lovely out!

Pictures below are of Felix on his mat wearing a lavender service vest, a selfie of me, and Felix underneath the table with my lime green shoes in the pic.

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