Cartilage corruption? Check!

About a week and a half ago, my left hip started hurting with a new type of pain. Previously the back and sides of both hips had hurt, but only if I was walking or standing for more than about 15 minutes. This new pain was in the front of my hip, and I got sharp pains when I would get up from a sitting position, and then a dull ache whenever I was standing or walking.

So I stopped taking my daily walks with the dogs, and I stared taking my anti-inflammatory medicine twice a day (normally I only take it when I have more than usual pain, which is not often now that I have the wheelchair).

On Saturday morning, I messaged my rheumatologist about my new pain, and she had her nurse call me on Monday to schedule an appointment THIS WEEK, even though this week is quite busy for me. The only time she had available that I was also free was this morning at 9AM. And I should mention that her office is an hour and 15 minutes away!

Even though I started feeling a little better Monday and Tuesday, I decided to keep my appointment since she seemed to really think it was urgent that I be seen THIS WEEK.

So we woke up really early and Brad drove me down to Columbia for my appointment. Even though Felix hasn’t had a proper walk in about a week, he was perfect! While I filled out my intake paperwork, he just lay down and chilled. I didn’t have to redirect him once! And lying down while I’m not paying attention to him is the thing he struggles the most with!

They called me back quickly, and we only had time for one picture before the doctor came in! Brad got a shot of me in my Mirabel dress leaning on the exam table with sable and white Felix on my lap, wearing the purple vest that Karin made him.

Turns out the doctor wanted me to come in right away because she’s going to be on vacation next week and she also wanted to make sure my hip wasn’t broken!

She said that pain in the front of the hip is pain in the actual joint. She said that it’s likely that my cartilage in my left hip is probably disintegrating, and that is what is causing the pain.

She said when people start getting that kind of pain, it often progresses really quickly and gets bad really fast. But she was encouraged that it had started to get a little better. So she wants me to take 2.5 more weeks off and not go on walks and take my Celebrex twice a day and Tylenol arthritis as well. I’m also not supposed to do any other walking or standing (including housework) for more than 5 min at a time.

Once I start walking again and not taking my meds every day, if the pain returns, I need to get an X-ray and return to see her for some sort of treatment (either steroids or a shot in my hip). But if the pain stays away, then I don’t need to go back until September.

She also said this was typical of osteoarthritis, which is what I have in my hips, and hopefully won’t affect my rheumatoid arthritis that I have in my hands!

And Felix was so good during the exam! She commented on how laid back and relaxed he was, which was really nice.

Now I just have to hope that my hip keeps feeling better, because I don’t want steroids and I don’t want a shot in my hip!!!

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