Boy today has been a doozy, and it’s not even over yet! I had six things to do today!!!! Luckily only two were outside the house.
When I woke up this morning, I realized that I had forgotten to bake bread yesterday. So baking a loaf of bread was my first thing.
My second thing was talking with the media representatives from the program where I got my hearing aids. Tomorrow the news is interviewing me, so they wanted to make sure I was ready! Luckily that was over zoom and only 15 minutes.
The third thing was going over to Brad’s aunt and cousin’s house for a family meal. We met his parents and brother over there and had a wonderful time talking and hanging out! We brought all three dogs to see if my training during breakfast time carries over to other places. They did move around a little bit, but for the most part they just hung out in sits or downs next to my chair! Yay! We had a wonderful time talking, and even stayed longer than everyone else to enjoy talking more.
When I got home, I had to jump right on the fourth thing, which was a virtual appointment with Canada Pooch to check out what size raincoat I should get for Felix. I needed to order his raincoat and cooling vest ASAP so it will get here before it gets too hot so all the dogs have cooling gear! Luckily that took just 10 minutes and the person was extremely helpful and even gave me a 15% off coupon!
I had about 15 minutes of break, and then I had to head to the fifth thing, which was a haircut! My hair is just looking a little too shaggy for my news interview tomorrow. I took Felix with me and he did a pretty good job! He never got comfortable enough to lie down in my lap—he remained sitting or standing. But he did get more comfortable with Holly, my stylist, cutting my hair. At first he wanted to sniff the water spray and the scissors a lot! But then he settled in. Since I don’t have Holly wash my hair and all I needed was a trim, we were in and out in 15 minutes!
The last thing I have today starts in about half an hour—it’s an anti-burnout brainstorming session that’s being put on by NAMI SC’s Peer Leadership Council and my local NAMI Piedmont Tri-County chapter. Unfortunately the person who was supposed to lead with me is ill, so I’ll be running it by myself. When it rains it pours!
Oh, and don’t forget about the fact that I got some bad news about my dad’s health today!
It surely has been a doozy!
I’ll leave you with a picture that Holly took of Felix and me. I am sitting in the stylist’s chair with Felix standing on my lap. The smock is draped across Felix’s back with his head poking out. He looks a little bit concerned! This picture was taken before my haircut. You’ll have to see me on the news soon to see my new haircut!