Yesterday was a busy day!
In the morning, Hestia collected three of her favorite balls on the couch with her to make sure they were safe LOL. She loves small balls that fit in her mouth, so these balls are all about 1.5 inches or so. She has a Holee Roller which is a rubber lattice ball, and then two small Kong squeaky balls. I got a picture of her with her balls on the couch.

Pretty soon after, we headed out to meet up with our friends CJ and Dan! Unfortunately I forgot to get any pictures of this part of the trip 🙁 But it was so fun!
Hestia and I picked up Dan and we drove to CJ’s house for a walk. It was warm but not too hot, and we had a great 30 min walk around the neighborhood.
Next CJ played us a song on his Sax, which was awesome! He has really been working hard on his Sax playing.
Finally, we headed to Harris Teeter because they have a Starbucks inside. I showed CJ and Dan about my favorite drink! It is a decaf latte or flat white with half sugar-free vanilla and half sugar-free cinnamon syups. It is a lot to remember when you’re ordering, but the result is so worth it! It is apparently called a snickerdoodle in some secret menu someplace.
After that, we parted ways and I got home in time to have a little snack before heading out again!
This time it was to the conversion van repair place. It was time to get our ramp in our van serviced.
I was SO proud of Hestia as we got out of our car and went inside. A homeless person and their dog were walking past the front of the store, which we were parked next to. Their dog went wild barking at Hestia and straining at the leash. Hestia calmly walked in heel next to me from the van to the dealership, and then into the dealership. She was SO good at ignoring the dog!
She got a big compliment from the staff there on that!
We weren’t there long, less than an hour, but Hestia was obsessed with Brad most of the time. She kept staring at him. I think she was wishing he would be giving her a lovely massage (he is really good at doggy massage).

Then they came out to tell us that most of our ramp was fine but we need a new hinge. Unfortunately they’re back ordered at the moment. So we have to come back in about a month when they are supposed to come in and get it replaced. The good part of that is that I asked and they are pet friendly, so I can bring Alice with me and have a good exposure outing!

When we got home, we were beat! But at least we got everything done yesterday that we needed to.