On Saturday we had Chinfest with Japanese Chin from the Carolinas. There were seven Chin in attendance, and it was so much fun!
At first it was really hard to tell all the dogs apart since they all looked so similar! But it got easier with time. It was especially easy anytime anyone broke out the treats because Hestia would be the first one there, ready to gobble up any and all treats possible!
Hestia was the vacuum, she criss crossed the room vacuuming up leftover crumbs from other dogs. And she performed many unasked-for tricks to get treats! It was so so funny and cute, and we all had a great time!
People brought toys, dress-up accessories, treats, and we had human snacks, too. It was a lot of fun talking with the people, and the Chin were wonderful!
Brad got a bunch of pictures, here is the link to all the pictures (over 100!) and I’ll put my favorites below.
Hestia play bows to another Chin when they first meet.One Chin gets in a bag of goodies while another watches in the background.An old Chin carries a yellow stuffed toy in his mouth.Veronica smiles with a tri-color Chin in her lap.Black and white photo of a Chin with their tongue hanging out to the side.Two Chin on their hind legs begging, while a third stands by.A cute chin cocks his head and smiles in this black and white photo.Three Chin do their own things.One Chin does a paws up on their human while Hestia sniffs their butt!A Chin sits next to a chair and smiles.A cute Chin sits on Veronica’s lap and looks over his shoulder at the camera.An older Chin sits on Teresa’s lap.Hestia sits and looks up amid a sea of Chin.A Chin smiles into the sun outside in the grass while another sniffs in the background.Two Chin enjoying the outdoors.Hestia looks at the camera while another Chin looks away.Caroline pets a Chin while three others hang around outside.A Chin shuts her eyes and smiles broadly in the long grass.Hestia enjoys getting pet by the little girl, Aiden!Veronica and Caroline talk while four Chin interact between them.A Chin in the grass closing her eyes and enjoying herself.Three Chin play bow at each other!Three Chin playing and one walking in the background.Two Chin playing, and two more looking on.A group photo of all the people (minus Brad) and all the Chin.All seven Chin without their owners holding a stay in the grass.A cute Chin cocking his head and looking up at the camera.A Chin with crooked teeth smiles into the camera.Hestia wears a purple dress and looks up at Veronica.A mostly black and white photo of a Chin wearing a pink (in color) dress sitting next to Brad’s wheelchair.A Chin in a pink dress with pink ear bows looks up at Aiden.The same Chin poses looking pretty!A photo mostly in black in white of a Chin wearing a green (in color) dress with a colorful pom-pom necklace.Veronica smiles into the camera while Hestia wearing a purple dress sits on her lap.Purple dress wearing Hestia sits on Brad’s lap. You can see her purple flowers on her ears very well.Hestia loves her daddy!Hestia adorned in purple gives Caroline a kiss.Another shot of Veronica holding Hestia dressed to the nines.A black and white photo of a Chin in Caroline’s arms.Hestia lies down and looks wistfully off in the distance with her purple ear flowers and purple dress.Hestia wearing purple flowers in her ears but no dress gets petted by Aiden and Caroline.Five Chin look at Veronica, but three have their tongues out!Hestia poses in the grass.Hestia with purple hair flowers in the foreground with two Chin in the background.Aiden, Caroline, and Veronica run with their Chin.Running back to the group!Sitting on a picnic table and in the grass with all the Chin.Hestia stands in front of all the other Chin.An older Chin takes center stage with a bunch of others behind him.A beautiful one-eyed Chin walks in the grass.Two Chin together look like one dog with six legs!A Chin looks up and into the camera.The same Chin’s tongue sticks out.A Chin plays tug!All the Chin look to Caroline for a treat!A Chin with her tongue sticking out on a green mat.
Great pictures. Very cute.