Today Hestia and I did errands alone! Brad has been doing really poorly lately– very tired, foggy from his new medication, and he hurt his neck editing pictures. So he wasn’t up for coming with us.
It’s rare for just Hestia and me to go out together! We almost always have another person with us, as it does make me feel more reassured and makes it easier to leave the house. But I know with Hestia I can do anything, so out we went!
First we stopped by the post office to mail a package– with no line! I am so glad I waited until after the Christmas rush to mail it! Hestia was absolutely perfect in the post office, I didn’t even have any treats in my hand and she heeled great and walked right with me even though I didn’t hold onto the leash.
Then we headed to Earth Fare. I got out some of the freeze dried lamb we got from Brad’s parents for Christmas and boy did that motivate her! We walked around the store and got everything we needed pretty quickly. One of the advantages of not having Brad with me (he is very slow when shopping!) She only tried to sniff the ground a few times, but other than that she was really focused on me and heeling really well. I only gave her two or three bites of lamb while we were in the store.
Next we headed to Walmart to get chicken for Ollie. She was quite good in Walmart, though a little bit sniffier. I wasn’t as good in Walmart, though, being out and about in two stores already was difficult and made it so I was not very coordinated and aware of things. I ran my cart into a display! Hestia looked embarrassed for me he he he!
Then when we were checking out I made an even bigger boo-boo. I unloaded the cart while Hestia was in a sit-stay in front of the cart. I pulled the cart forward and ran over her tail hair without noticing. She didn’t notice because it was just hair, but then it was our turn to check out and I wanted to walk up to the spot where you’re supposed to pay and stuff.
I called Hestia and she just sat there. I pulled on her leash, she just sat there. I even started pulling the cart forward so it ran into her, and she just sat there. I was flabbergasted– her stay isn’t that good LOL! Then I realized that the cart was on top of her tail hair and she couldn’t move! Poor girl! I backed up the cart and she trotted right over into position next to me like nothing had happened. Thank goodness for a bomb-proof dog! I gave her a huge hunk of freeze dried lamb for that!
After all that shopping, I decided to treat myself and we stopped at 7-Eleven on the way home to get a juice! I was happy to see that they did not have a sign in the access aisle! My complaint worked! I decided not to vest Hestia to see if that part of my complaint had been addressed as well. I walked in and no one said a word, yay! I got my juice and headed home, pleased with myself and Hestia!
While we were in Earth Fare we got a couple of pictures!

Hope Brad feels better soon!
Good job to both of you, and hurray that your advocacy worked!
What a great team ! Well done !!!