Last night we picked up our friend Scarlet and went to an impeachment rally! It was still raining a bit when we got there, but luckily it stopped! There were probably about 100 people there in the end, which is good turnout for a cold wet night.
Both Scarlet and Brad spoke at the rally, and I was very proud of them both. Scarlet got people chanting, and Brad’s speech got people cheering! We also saw our friend Betsey there, too.
Here are some pictures from the rally!
A shot of the developing crowd around a large concrete stage at a park outdoors at night. There are lots of trees strung with Christmas lights in the background.The crowd grows larger!Brad liked taking pictures of the crowd from his monopod (like a tripod but with one leg) that he can hold up way above the crowd and get good shots.The front of Brad’s sign says “Elections are not a remedy for election meddling”.Veronica in a yellow dress with blue leaves and a red sweater holds up a sign reading “Impeach and remove”. She is holding a small white and black dog with a smushed nose. Scarlet is wearing black and stands next to Veronica and Hestia, holding another “Impeach and remove” sign.The back of Brad’s sign says “He did it on TV multiple times. Being shameless is not a defense.”The crowd is really dense now!Veronica smiles, holding up her sign. Hestia, who is in Veronica’s arm, looks up as if she is reading the sign.Our friend Betsey holds up a sign that reads, “‘Do us a favor though…’ We the people impeach Trump!”Veronica with Hestia (looking up to the sky), Betsey, and Scarlet hold up their signs and smile!Veronica smiles while holding Hestia and her sign at a person who is petting Hestia (with permission!).Balloons of Donald Trump in a diaper holding a cell phone in his hand!
Bravo. Life in prison is too good for the bastard. Treason.
High five! That diaper balloon is too much! Hahaha!!