Today was a York County Ag + Art Tour (#agandarttour). This meant that many local farms were open to the public, and had artists set up on site, too. We went to three farms. They were all really neat and unique. Some farms focused on produce, others on livestock, and all were welcoming and happy to have us there. We didn’t run into any issues with having a service dog or a wheelchair. Though it was good Brad has a power chair– he could never have gotten through in a regular wheelchair!
All 32 pictures are below. I am wearing a halter style dark purple dress with pinkish polka dots. Hestia is wearing her red mesh vest. There are no pictures of Brad, unfortunately, but he had on a blue blazer with cherry and blueberry brooches on the lapel.
Veronica leans over to pet a sheep. Hestia is in Veronica’s arms and looking away from the sheep.The sheep are the same breed as the sheep we saw at Historic Brattonsville. They can deal with the heat and are very hardy and don’t need dewormers all the time, so they were popular in the past and are being revived today.Hestia looks at the camera while the sheep enjoy some petting.Veronica and Hestia look through some tie-died t-shirts.A birds nest made out of sheep fur so it looks like a sheep, with twigs sticking out like horns.Veronica smiling into the camera after learning about the truffles and pecan trees on the farm that are part of an agricultural experiment.A very very young lamb sprawls out to sleep right next to its mama.An older lamb relaxes with their eyes closed.Mama and baby sheepsies. The mama is opening her mouth to bleat at us. The sheep were very cool to see up close, but they were afraid of Brad’s wheelchair!Veronica attempts to take a selfie while Hestia looks into Brad’s camera like she is so embarrassed her momma is using such inferior technology.The selfie that Veronica was capturing on her phone. This is Veronica’s new phone, so the picture is actually good quality! Veronica and Hestia stand in front of the sheepsies.Some of the sheep wandering around in a pen while a little girl swings from a rope swing on a tree overhanging the sheep enclosure.A proud rooster who is white with a black tail and a brilliant red comb eyes Brad suspiciously.The ducks, which had been swimming peacefully before Brad came over, are wary at the strange moving chair!A closeup of one of the ducks, who is so recently out of the water that you can see water droplets still on its beak.A run down barn surrounded by folk art.A rusty old tractor in a falling down barn. The tractor has ivy growing on it.At the Catawba Indian Nation, they had some tomatoes growing hydroponically in large, new trash cans!A pen full of chickens, before they noticed Brad. After they noticed Brad, they all ran away to hide!Veronica and Hestia exploring the trails at the Catawba Indian Nation. One of the girls who was there recognized me from a NAMI In Our Own Voice program at her school!The trail leads off into a quiet verdant forest.At the third farm, they had Pyranees x Anatolian Shepherd mix puppies that were 8 weeks old! The girl petting the upheld puppy in this picture is wearing a NAMI Ending the Silence bracelet.A young girl gleefully pets one of the puppies, who has an orange collar.Bunny rabbits in a metal cage, just chilling out.A boy from the farm sitting on a bucket with his cowboy hat in his hands.A man who smelled exactly like my grandpa (whiskey and cigarettes) who had painted shells for sale. He also molded scenery and painted it too. He told me about aquatic humans, which are different from mermaids, and his encounters with one.Veronica playing corn hole, which is where you have a wooden platform with a hole in it, and you try to throw beanbags in the hole. Veronica has just launched a red beanbag in the air, and is holding two more beanbags in her hand. Hestia is using them as a pillow!This farm had a misting tent. Veronica took off her glasses (so couldn’t see anything!) to enjoy the mist without making her glasses dirty.Veronica and Hestia walk through the most misty part of the tent, and both have their eyes closed.Veronica and Hestia in the misting tent, with Veronica looking a bit unfocused as she couldn’t even see Brad.Black and white photo in the mist tent. The people at this last farm were so nice that they asked about Brad’s wheelchair experience on their farm. They wanted to be sure they were as accessible as possible, given it is a farm.Black and white closeup of Veronica coming to get her glasses from Brad. Veronica is smiling and her hair is billowing out from around her face.
One of those pieces of folk art is actually a quilt pattern, Bear Claw I think but I woulnd’t swear to it, been a while since I’ve been actively quilting.
What on earth – or on water – is an aquatic human??
An aquatic human is a human life form that lives under water (mermaid are the invention of things like Disney said the man). He was very adamant about this, but someone else came to talk with him about his art and I didn’t get to hear the whole story, but did say he has had experiences with them!
I really like the animal pics! Thanks for sharing, and I’m glad you guys had a good time. 🙂
Tao would have had a field day with the sheep!! 😀
One of those pieces of folk art is actually a quilt pattern, Bear Claw I think but I woulnd’t swear to it, been a while since I’ve been actively quilting.
What on earth – or on water – is an aquatic human??
An aquatic human is a human life form that lives under water (mermaid are the invention of things like Disney said the man). He was very adamant about this, but someone else came to talk with him about his art and I didn’t get to hear the whole story, but did say he has had experiences with them!