To get me in better shape, and to help Hestia lose some weight, we are instituting Wednesday Walkies (this is where you hear Brad in the background voicing his objection to some people’s “ubiquitous infantilization” of language). This means we will go on a walk either around our neighborhood or around a park nearby every Wednesday. For our first Wednesday Walkies, we went to Glencairn Garden.
It was a really nice day, and a bit overcast so it wasn’t boiling hot. We stopped at almost every fountain and bridge in the garden, and all the flowering plants, too. We also took loads of pictures! We had a lot of fun taking pictures of both of us, and Hestia, too. We took almost 700 pictures! We narrowed them down to the top 100, which you can see at the link below (without picture descriptions), and I picked a few of my favorites to be featured in the blog (with descriptions).
Black and white photo of Veronica sniffing a stalk of flowersVeronica wears a yellow dress while admiring the purple hydrangeas, and Hestia stands to the side looking on.Brad wears a purple blazer, white hat, and blue and white scarf while looking to the side and smiling.A closeup of Brad’s brooches. One is a yellow flower, the other a blue dragonfly.Brad makes a face with his mouth in the shape of a small o and one eyebrow raised.Hestia, a small black and white dog, has her tongue out as she poses in front of greenery.Hestia looks straight into the camera with her tongue out, while behind her are water plants living in the pond.Veronica sits with Hestia on her lap on a swinging bench. Veronica looks over her shoulder into the camera.Brad’s blue shirt shows as he spreads his arms the width of the small bridge he is on.A purple sepia tinted photo of Brad stroking his beard while on the bridge.Brad smiles for a close up!Closeup of Veronica laughing, showing her turquoise small round glasses.Veronica and Hestia swing on the bench. Veronica looks content, while Hestia looks like she is saying “Oh my dog, what is this thing?!”.Veronica and Hestia on the swing, but this time Hestia is comfortable with the swinging motion.Hestia smiles into the camera with her tongue hanging out!Brad poses in front of some daffodils.Black and white photo of Hestia on a small pillar.Veronica and Hestia walking away from a large fountain, towards Brad.Veronica and Hestia sit in the crevice between two trees. You can see Veronica’s red sandals clearly.
What a beautiful place to walk! Wonderful photos, Veronica you always look pretty, and Brad I LOVE the way you dress, always put together so perfectly. I love seeing more photos of you, they always make me smile and feel happy.
What a lovely place to walk! I really need to get out more.
Thanks, it is one of our favorite places to walk!
What a beautiful place to walk! Wonderful photos, Veronica you always look pretty, and Brad I LOVE the way you dress, always put together so perfectly. I love seeing more photos of you, they always make me smile and feel happy.
I know, I love it when Brad lets me take pictures of him!