Today was the second full day of the PSDP convention. We started the day bright and early again, with a social breakfast in the room. Then Brad and everyone else got out their solidarity scarves, and we took a group photo! It was great to get people in there and get a picture with most of the convention attendees.
Next we did a Brad activity called “micro-skit fun”. Brad came up with this idea during convention planning, and I honestly wasn’t so sure I liked it at the time. Basically he wanted us to divide up and make little 30-60 second skits about a wide range of topics relating to service dogs. I couldn’t see how it would work, so was skeptical. But like so many of Brad’s ideas (especially with photos and videos!) it turned out to be a lot of fun and we got some good videos out of it!
After lunch, we went bowling! Not too many of us came, only 7 people and 6 bowlers. It was great! We had a good time chatting and watching all of us get lots of gutter balls! In fact it was in the second or third round before any of us scored any points. Christi scored the first point. She also scored the last point, and she won the game! It was so funny. I worked on Hestia walking up with me to bowl, and actually scored a strike and a couple of spares while trying to train! Everyone wanted to borrow Hestia after that he he he!
The transitions circle was very helpful. We talked a lot about our former and future dogs, and I think it was a good discussion. Not lots to share about the circles, as I don’t want to tell everyone what exactly we talked about.
For dinner, Brad, Tami with Chili, and I went to Moe’s to get takeout. While there, we met a young man named Trevor who was working there and was interested in training his own service dog! It was awesome to meet someone local, so we gave him Brad’s card and hope that we can get in touch soon!
Finally it was time for decompression. This is very important because many people experience the “post convention blues”. After a few days of bonding and being not alone in your life with just you and your service dogs, people tend to get a bit depressed when they return home. We also wanted to get feedback about the convention.
Now we are back home and exhausted! Tomorrow is just breakfast and clean up, and many people will already have left. But it will be good to get some last hanging out in! Then we crash!
Just crash very gently!
Got a nap in this afternoon and am feeling much better!
As always when the convention is over I miss everyone so much. I Love all of you guys and I am thankful to have everyone of you in my life !
We miss you, too!