Today we went to Harry Potter Science Saturday at the Museum of York County. We decided to sleep in a bit and go in the afternoon. Which was a mistake, because that’s what everyone else did!
The museum had lots of special Harry Potter themed exhibits. Professor Umbridge and Hagrid were there wandering around! Dumbledore was there, too, but the line to see him was about an hour long, so we didn’t.
We did see the astronomy demonstration in the planetarium. It was very cool to see all the star formations and learn about their history in relation to the Harry Potter world. I even got 5 points for my house by answering a question correctly! My house was “Canistar”, the non-copyright-infringing equivalent of Ravenclaw. It was perfect because a dog was the house’s mascot! The others were “Lickendeer” (Hufflepuff), “Bisonfew” (Gryffindor), “Flukenliver” (Slytherin).
When that ended, we walked around a bit. It was super crowded. Lots of little kids came up to ask to pet Hestia, but I kept her safely tucked in my arms so she wouldn’t be rushed. The adults were much worse than the kids. The worst a kid would do when I said “No, she’s working” would be to ask what she is doing. Then I would say “service dog”.
Several adults got mad at me for not letting them pet, turning away as they were reaching out to pet, or denying their kids from petting Hestia. Keep in mind that I was holding Hestia, so hands destined for little Hestia often brush my boobies. Not pleasant! I was getting really frustrated with the adults!
We waited in line for the creepy crawlies exhibit, but I was just so overwhelmed with the crowds that we had to leave. When we got outside, the outside activities were winding down. So we watched some kids playing quidditch and threw gnomes over the fence. It was nice and cool outside with not too many people and a little bit of rain. Perfect place to cool off from the crowded warm museum!
After the museum, we stopped by Sam’s really quickly to get some essentials (grapes, hummus, cheese, tortilla chips, and salad greens). Hestia didn’t do such a great job in Sam’s. She kept trying to sniff the floor! Embarrassing! I was so busy watching her that I didn’t watch other people to see if they noticed me in my cloak and Hufflepuff gear. I’m sure I got quite a few stares, though!
We were glad to be home when all was said and done. Two things today was my limit (well, to be truthful it was beyond my limit!). Luckily I get rest days tomorrow and Monday!
For all the pictures below, here are descriptions of us. I am wearing yellow and black striped Hufflepuff leggings with a black cloak with Hufflepuff gold trim. I have Dumbledore’s wand (makes different sounds and lights up etc!) and am holding Hestia. Hestia has a yellow and black Hufflepuff vest on. My favorite patch on the vest says “Service K9 3/4”. Brad is wearing a blue and silver Ravenclaw quidditch sweater with a wizard hat that he knit himself. He has Harry’s wand. He also has various bug pins all over himself. He has a spider on his shoulder, and some various beetles and such on his hat and arm.

looks like a good time!! *tosses a gnome or three 😀