Yesterday Brad and I went on a date. We went to the Mint Museum in Charlotte. It was really hard for us to get going. Since I’ve been ill, I’ve been home for most of the last week. So it was extra hard to leave the house. But I was glad I did!
The Mint Museum is an art museum. Most of it was modern art, which I like better. I think Brad likes it better, too. We started out in a gallery which showcased different materials. First they had a glass section, where there were colored glass and other objects with lights shining through them. It was very cool. They had a wood section, too, and even a section on flour-based (yes, the kind you bake with!) items!
The next section we visited was probably my favorite. It was a collection of works by an artist who likes to realistically re-create nature out of metal, wood, and clay. Most of his works were branches of various plants with leaves, fruits, and just gorgeous stuff. They looked so real!
There was a display of tea pots, too, and some tea for us to smell. The tea smelled SO good, they had 8 kinds in little sniffer pots. They sell the tea in the gift shop, but the gift shop is under renovation right now so we couldn’t see how much it was.
The section of the museum that had more traditional art was OK. Brad got pictures of every painting that had a dog in it he he he! They also had some clothing from the turn of the last century, too, but I didn’t like that because it looked to me like the mannequin was moving. Brad says it wasn’t moving, and I didn’t spend a long time there for fear of psychosis.
The last section of the museum I would have enjoyed more if it had been earlier in our progression. It was more modern art and collages. Very interesting stuff, but I was worn out and wanting to get home, so we went through it very quickly. We get free admission to the museum, so we can come back later on and start with that exhibit.
Hestia did a great job in the museum. She was four on the floor most of the time we were there and did a great job of just hanging out when I was standing there looking at the art. For those who don’t know, hanging out is actually kinda complicated for a dog, because it involves the absence of doing things.
The carpeted museum floor was dirty and Hestia kept wanting to pick up little pieces of detritus. Her leave-it got better and better the more we practiced! We also spent some time on doorways, as she has been rushing through them– especially elevator doors.
You can see all the pictures Brad took (and boy are they good!) here:
Below are my personal favorites. Enjoy!

I need that glass wall. That’s purely mind blowing!! Love me some “different” museums like this one!
Yes, that glass wall was amazing!