I woke up early this morning, Hestia needed to potty. Then I went back to sleep, but not until turning on the fiber optic Christmas tree! I love that tree! And the guinea pig statues underneath it!
When it was a more reasonable time to be awake, I called my family! First I called my dad, who is home alone this holiday. I always have a great time talking with my dad, no matter what it is about. So we spent about 20 minutes talking about the 8 suction devices he owns, 6 of which are vacuums. You wouldn’t believe what all I learned about his vacuuming habits!
Then I called my mom and sister! I got to talk with my sister for a long while, which was great because we don’t talk often! Then I got to talk with my mom a little, too. But I had talked with my sissy Vanessa so long that I didn’t get to talk much with my mom before it was time to go!
We headed over to Brad’s parents’ house to open presents. Wow, were there a lot of presents! I think we all had a great time opening them. I had been wanting cardigans to wear with my nice dresses I got recently, and Brad’s mom found a bunch of them for me! I also got a blue velvet dress (pics coming soon, we have a photo shoot planned!). I got some Japanese Chin themed things like notecards and a nice ornament and a tote bag.
I think my favorite thing that we got, though, was a pair of electronic wands! They are Dumbledore’s wand and Harry Potter’s wand. By pressing different buttons and waving it in different directions you cast spells. And you can even duel with the spells in the wands! I am really excited to try them out!
Next we headed over to Nancy and Tam’s house to eat dinner that Nancy and Brad’s mom made. We had a great time talking and laughing, and laughing and more talking. The food was also pretty awesome. My favorite two things were the deviled eggs (Nancy makes the BEST deviled eggs!) and the corn dish. I don’t know what it had in it, but it was very tasty! Corn is one of my favorite veggies.
Oh and the kombucha (a fermented and cultured tea) was really interesting– it was made with coconut vanilla flavored tea. Yum!
For dessert Nancy made gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free chocolate chip cookies! I was SO in love with them! She sent me home with a big bag of them, too, yummmm!
Brad got a lot of pictures, but I’m only sharing the ones of us. I am wearing blue leggings with Christmas presents and Corgis on them. I have a red sweater dress, and a green cardigan over top. I have my new fancy turquoise glasses on, and a santa hat, too!
Brad is wearing a red and green plaid blanket, a red and white floral tie, and a bright green scarf and dark green blazer. Oh yeah, and a santa hat! Hestia is wearing a red dress trimmed in white faux fur. And yes, you guessed it, a santa hat! He he he!
We had a great time spending our Christmas with family! Enjoy the pictures!

Buon Natale, Team Morris!! <3 Love that you have such awesome family nearby to celebrate with, and looking forward to the next fashion show 😀
Hestia is Santa Paws! 🙂