Veronica wearing a purple sweater asleep in bed. Hestia, a small black and white dog, shares the pillow. Bun-Lamb (stuffie) is on the end of the pillow supporting my hand which is holding my cell phone playing youtube. This is how I fall asleep many days!
“Sleepy Sweetie”– that’s what Brad calls me! I am doing well on the Latuda, no mood swings or depressive episodes since starting it yay! However, it makes me even MORE tired. I’m getting about 6-8 hrs a day awake now.
I wanted to share this because people have been emailing me about why I’m not responding to emails until like 5PM– it’s because I’ve been sleeping until 4PM! So if you email me, don’t feel badly if I take a while to respond. I’m probably sleeping.
Hoping this extra tired side effect will go away soon, or get a little better. But in the meantime, I will be a stable extra sleepy sweetie. The stable bit is worth it.
I’m glad it’s having a stabilizing effect. Stable is better. Sleep tight!
I’d heard some info about Latuda for depression. I didn’t know it also caused such sleepiness! You’re like that fairy tale about a guy who went to sleep for many years. I was thinking about asking my PDoc about it – he says I’m bi-polar. When we first started meeting at my breakdown, he Dx’d me as PTSD and chronic depression. The meds I’m on now don’t help my PTSD OR depression. I which I could get him to change his mind. I do not and never have had ‘manic’ episodes. I’m always just stable or incredibly depressed. Maybe Latuda would be a good choice to try???
Well, it’s only added two hours to my daily sleep. The other meds I’m on are sleep induing, too. It’s just becoming an issue losing that two hours a day!
Do you become psychotic? That might be what he is thinking in dxing you with bipolar. But I agree, to me you’ve always seemed PTSD and depression.
Latuda is one of only three meds approved to treat bipolar depression. The other two are zyprexa, and a combo pill with seroquel and prozac. Those meds both work for me but make me STARVING HUNGRY! Each time I tried those meds, I would gain 50 lbs. Haven’t been able to lose the last 30, though. I’ll take sleepy over fat!
Stability, absolutely! Here’s hoping that sleepiness backs down as you move forward. Get all the rest you need, and so good to hear it’s working the way it should this time without the mania! <3
Maybe take the latuda with your night time meds so you aren’t so tired during the day
I have to take Latuda with at least 300 calories, so I take it with dinner. Funny thing, my bedtime hasn’t changed at all, it’s just how late I’m sleeping in the morning, er afternoon.