Side view of Ollie, a silver standard poodle. He has a blue cone of shame on, and is peeking around it. You can also see the bandage on his back.
Ollie had surgery today. He had a leaking mole and three cysts removed, and also a dental. The vet said his teeth were amazing! They needed a cleaning, but for a 10.5 year old dog, she was so happy about them. He has never had to have a tooth pulled. It’s all that raw that he ate for most of his life!
Since we got him home, Ollie seems to be back to his old self, if not a little stymied about things like jumping up on the couch with his cone on!
Anyway, Ollie obviously knows that he looks pitiful, and he’s been playing on that to get extra rubbies and a few treats. I had a few slices of cheese on a plate that I was eating, and Ollie walked right over and took a big lick of the cheese on the plate! I was so surprised that I couldn’t think of what to say right away! This is not normal, so I guess he thought surgery means he deserves cheese.
Funny Ollie!
Ollieman, you are my HERO for today!! *sneaks you banana chips to go with that cheese <3
Wish you had a shot of Ollie grabbing the cheese – would have made a great “I Can Has Cheeseburger” entry!
So glad to hear Ollie’s surgery went well and he’s doing okay. Give him a hug for us.
Haha! It does seem like Ollie thinks he’s earned all the cheese he wants. Good to hear he’s doing well.
Haha! Glad to hear you are in high spirits after your vet trip, Ollie dude!
Glad that is over and everything went well. Give Ollie extra hugs for being a brave big boy.