This morning when I woke up, my mood was about a 3/10 where 1 is the most depressed ever, and 10 is most manic ever. I had a bit of a hard time getting going, but I knew I’d have fun with CJ and Dan. Leaving the house was hard, but not much harder than usual.
CJ and I went to the pool and we swam 6 laps and did one lap of water aerobics. We chose the warm pool, yes we are wimps! It felt nice to move all my muscles when swimming, especially as we got into it and swam 3 laps in a row without a break! When we got out of the pool, my mood was at a 4! That is a really good improvement!
Then we went to pick up Dan and we went to Bojangles for lunch. I hadn’t eaten at Bojangles in about 15 years or so! I was very proud of myself for sticking to my diet and not eating any gluten or sugar. I really wanted a Bo’berry biscuit, but that was doubly against my diet. So I had cajun beans and french fries, and it was all very tasty.
Then we went back to Dan’s house and played pool for a while. Dan won every game while I was there! Luckily we’re all the same amount of bad, so the games were pretty even. And it is nice to shoot pool and not have to worry about embarrassing yourself 🙂 At least I didn’t hit anyone with the ball (someone *cough cough* almost hit me with a ball!).
I got pictures, unfortunately my cell phone takes really bad pictures. I want a tiny camera that I can keep in my purse! Here are the pics, enjoy! Oh, and by the time I left Dan’s house, my mood was at a 4.5. Yay!

Dan getting ready to break. Red pool table, Man in black with short black hair about ready to hit the white ball.
It’s amazing what chemicals we boost with exercise and companioinship!! Glad to hear the 4.5 shift <3
It was a great time! Veronica is using a modified mood scale I created 18 years ago called “The O’Lenick Mood Scale” or OMS. My version goes from -10 to +10. I think 1 to ten is a little easier to understand. Make a scale for yourself!
I’m glad to hear you had a fun time. A 4.5 sounds really good.