Hestia wearing an orange and black dress, Veronica wearing a turquoise outfit and waving to the camera, and CJ wearing jeans and holding a sign that reads “NAMI is kindness”. This was taken during the walk!
On Saturday we had our annual NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Walk for 1 in 4. It is called the walk for 1 in 4 because 1 in 4 adults have been affected by a mental health challenge.
I was a bit nervous because it was supposed to rain, but the weather held up beautifully until we were leaving the parking lot!
There were lots of cars in the parking lot for all the baseball and soccer games going on at the park. There were no accessible spots! Which I guess isn’t really a huge deal since even the accessible spots that are there are not for vans with ramps, and Brad usually has to go across the parking lot there anyway (parking lots are dangerous for wheelchair users). So we had to find two spots open next to each other and double park so Brad can get in and out of the van.
When we arrived, I found my friend CJ helping set up. CJ is my closest friend who lives locally, he has a PhD, too! He really gets me, and we are a lot alike. Anyway, CJ and I walked together! We had a bunch of signs that people in the support groups made, and we handed them out to people to hold during the walk. They were a big hit!
Hestia was not on duty, but she was wearing a Halloween dress with candy corn on it! It says “Trick or Treat” and has an orange and black ruffled skirt. She was a big hit! And because she was off duty, she enjoyed getting pet by everyone! It was a nice break in her routine.

Veronica in turquoise holding Hestia (wearing a black and orange dress). Judy, a woman in a white jacket, is bending over to kiss Hestia while I talk with another person close by.
We took a shortcut on the walk, so ended up arriving back with the first people who led the walk he he! Brad was the official photographer, so I let him do his photography and just hung out with CJ and my other NAMI friends. I am so happy I got involved with NAMI, it is a great organization and has really been a great way to meet people and get involved in the local mental health community! I have posted two pictures to my blog, and the link to see all 67 that Brad liked and edited, visit this link:
I sound like a broken record…thank you again, Team Morris, for your advocacy!! <3
Another Gold Star for Brad: his photography is outstanding – as usual.
Is NAMI a group that single people can join, or is it for a group to participate?
Once again I thank you two (+ Miss Hessie) for your advocacy on behalf of people like myself – and for all peeps in our shoes – as evidenced by the large turnout for that “NAMI 4 in 1 Walk”.
So glad you were able to participate and you probably did a TON of educating peeps about MI, and hopefully PSDs too!
NAMI is a nation wide group that advocates for mental health. Look to see if there is one in your area!
Great pictures! I’m glad the weather held out and that you had a good time.