Origin story:
One day, a long long time ago when I was an undergrad, we went to Walmart with friends. It was about Easter time, and I saw this absolutely lovely stuffed animal that looked like a guinea pig. It is tan, has a very fat, round body, four stubby legs, and long ears that stuck straight up! Nowadays the ears flop over, but at the time I couldn’t tell what animal it was.
It was in a bin with a bunch of bunnies and lambs. I couldn’t figure out if this stuffed animal was a bunny or a lamb, so I took it to the price check scanner. The price check scanner called it “BUN-LAMB”. That’s how Bun-Lamb got her name. Bun-Lamb has been my favorite stuffie ever since!
Bun-Lamb also has an interesting feature in that he identifies as both male and female, so you have to change her pronoun every time you talk about him.
At this year’s PSDP convention in California, I won a raffle basket. It had a giant purple peeps stuffed bunny dog toy in it! I fell in love immediately after I saw it, so I put all my raffle tickets in the big dog prize because I HAD to have the bunny. And I won! That’s how Bun-Bun joined the family.
To Brad’s chagrin, I began sleeping with both Bun-Lamb and Bun-Bun. I had always slept with Bun-Lamb, so he is used to that (but not a fan). But something in the family was missing! A few weeks ago I shared on the listserv that I needed a Lamb-Lamb to make the family complete. A good friend sent me a surprise present of a stuffed lamb! The lamb is white and has big googly eyes and a short face like Hestia. It is really a Hestia lamb he he he!
So now I sleep with three stuffed animals. Brad is not pleased, but I am happy to have my family together. I can’t decide if Bun-Bun and Lamb-Lamb are the reverse engineered offspring of Bun-Lamb, or if Bun-Lamb is the product of them. Maybe time-travel was involved?
Here are pictures of my stuffie family with Hestia and Ollie!
Bunny gives a hello snuffle to Lamb-Lamb! 🙂
Snuffle snuffle!
All the babies in a pile <3
I have a whole bin of critters with backstories like that, AND I slept with all of them before dogs. Deja will snatch and run, so no ma'am, not for you. You're never too big or too old to sleep with whatever 😀
If it ain't broke…
Thanks for the support!
Funny story and great pics! You won’t believe this V. I bought Dakota a stuffed “Lamb Chop” – remember the old puppet show where a lady manipulated Lamb Chop? It has squeakers in its belly and all 4 paws. It was Kota’s favorite toy, and Rosie’s as well.
I also have a “Bun-Bun”! He’s big, mostly grey and is a hand puppet: I’d stick my hand in there and grab Kota’s lower jaw and she’d fight till she got it off my hand and would parade around with it.
I have a 3rd stuffie called “Gray Bun” – a big stuffed gray bunny that Kota loves.
How totally bizarre that you & I have similar toys with similar names! But it appears your’s are for you, and mine were for Dakota!
Dakota had good preferences with her toys! They sound like I’d love to snuggle with them he he he!
I do have a guinea pig puppet, too. But no way am I letting the puppers play with it!
So adorable! Love them!
Thank you!