In French, butterfly is papillon. In English, papillon is a breed of dog– so named because of their butterfly looking ears. So my halter-top dress is my papillon dress, because on its radiant blue background there are darker butterflies, with a border of black tulle around the bottom. Lots of people confuse papillons and Japanese chin (Hestia’s breed), and they do look kinda alike except for their ears and nose.
This is one of my new dresses I got on Amazon prime day. I wore it to my psychiatrist’s office today. Sometimes my psychiatrist and I struggle with working out what’s best for my med situation. I have had one psychosis and a bit of suicidal ideation since I saw him 2 months ago. He wanted to take me off the Prolixin (the only antipsychotic that both works and doesn’t make me fat– it is an old school drug with tarditive diskenesia as a side effect).
I strongly said that I think Prolixin is working well for me, but maybe we could up the dose. But we decided not to since we have DC and NYC trips coming up soon. I don’t want to be in the middle of a med change and be traveling. So no changes for now.
While at the psychiatrist’s office, we took some pictures of me in my new dress! It is a great place for pictures because it is full of bright colors! In the pictures, I am in my blue papillon dress, and Hestia is in her yellow Hufflepuff vest. Brad has told me I need to try new angles, so I tried posing to the side with a leg held up. Well, uncoordinated me didn’t do that so well he he he. But Brad still got a couple of good shots. Here they are!
looking good there, Team Morris!! 😀
oh my gosh I LOVE your dress! And your black bag!!! And your new poses!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!