Hestia at 9 days old. Picture is of a hand holding a tiny itty bitty black and white dog. She has black over one eye, and white over the other. At this point the breeder was calling her “Clown Face”
Tonight we had a family dinner at Brad’s parents’ house with his aunt and cousin there, too. We had a lot of fun talking and eating (Mom is a wonderful cook, and even made me special gluten and sugar free brownies!). Miss Hestia had a lot of fun.
First, the after dinner treats. Whenever Hestia is at Mom’s or Nancy’s house, whoever owns the house feeds her after dinner treats. She looks forward to this SO much! As the meal is concluding and things start being put up, she insists on sitting up in my lap and watching Mom in the kitchen. If Hestia could speak she would be saying “Treat me!!!!! Treat me!!!!!”
Then Hestia goes through a series of sits, downs, and spins to try to cover all the bases for whatever is asked of her. Then she gets treats. I take her off leash for this so she can spin around etc without the leash bothering her or getting caught. That means I have to get her before she runs away (we don’t let her run loose in anyone’s house but our own). Today Hestia got away from me before I could catch her and started running around the house with me chasing her from one end and Mom from the other! She was fast and nimble, and I forgot that she knows how to come! So we were running around chasing her and she was having the time of her life!
Eventually I caught her and she was a good girl for the rest of dinner. When it was time to go, we all went outside to say our goodbyes. Hestia was not in the mood for goodbyes. Aunt Nancy and cousin Tamara always load Hestia up with treats when she is at their house, and I think Hestia wanted to stop by there on the way home or something.
We opened the door to the van, and I called Hestia to come into the van. She sat in front of Nancy. I coaxed and cajoled her, but nope, she wasn’t leaving Nancy’s side! She wanted to go home with them! Even after Brad had gotten in the van, she still wanted to go home with Nancy and Tam! I had to pick her up to put her in the van.
So I think Hestia enjoyed herself this evening! We didn’t take any pictures, so I am posing one of Hestia as a tiny baby dog, just 9 days old 🙂
widdle baby <3 *melts into mush pile* y'know, I might be trippin over here, but she almost looks like a sleeping guinea pig in that picture 😉
Yes, a little guinea pig burrito!