Gotcha Matcha 2

Today I got to hang out with my friend CJ!  First things first, we played with guinea pigs.  This is very serious business that MUST happen anytime it is possible LOL!  CJ has a special chair set up in perfect position to watch the little guinea pigs.  I got to hold them, and I brought them some paper towel and toilet paper rolls to chew on.  I got to feed them a little, too!

Next we went to get CJ’s blood drawn.  I was a little nervous since it was a very hospital-like environment and I didn’t want to get in any access challenges, but no one even noticed really (ok well one person outside noticed and tried to pet, but Hestia did a good ignore).

From there we went to Jimmy John’s, as CJ had been fasting for his test!  I didn’t get anything, but I had fun there.  Some of the people working there had awesome hair, and they kept looking over at us and smiling.  I felt very welcomed.

Finally we headed over to Starbucks.  I wanted to get some tea, so I asked about the Matcha Tea Latte, and the workers said it didn’t have any sugar in it (though I looked online just now and the Tea blend has sugar in it 🙁  At least it wasn’t a lot of sugar, I didn’t get a panic attack).

We saw another service dog team at Starbucks.  They had a Bold Lead harness, which I recognized right away.  The dog was a smaller Golden Retriever, and very well behaved.  Turns out the same team has seen us at Bagel Boat!  So I gave the handler a flyer and we might meet up sometime to train together!  Fun!

But what was even more fun was hanging out with CJ.  We talked about so many different topics, and we are so similar!!!!  It was a lot of fun.  We brainstormed about some fundraising for the non-profit we are on the board of directors for, and talked a lot about our histories and everything.  It was really great.

I was sad when it was time to go home, but it had been a very good time.  Luckily the traffic was juuuust starting to back up, so I went the back way home where it wasn’t too crowded.

I got pictures of my tea and CJ, and he took a picture of Hestia and me.  Hestia is wearing her Ruffwear Webmaster harness, which Brad says looks like an alien strapped onto her!  Enjoy!

Clear cup with ice and a milky, frothy green tea.  No straw :)

Clear cup with ice and a milky, frothy green tea. No straw 🙂

My friend CJ.  He is a man with a goatee wearing a dark shirt and a green ball cap.  He is smiling nicely!

My friend CJ. He is a man with a goatee wearing a dark shirt and a green ball cap. He is smiling nicely!

Hestia and me.  I am a 30-something woman wearing a turquoise dress with long brown hair.  Hestia is a small black and white dog wearing a red ruffwear webmaster harness.

Hestia and me. I am a 30-something woman wearing a turquoise dress with long brown hair. Hestia is a small black and white dog wearing a red ruffwear webmaster harness.

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2 thoughts on “Gotcha Matcha

  • Team Blue

    Now THAT’S a stellar day!! I’m thinking Brad might could be right on the alien thing. Bet Deja’s gonna look interesting in hers when it gets here. Matchy matchy!! 😀
    Hope that works out with a new training friend too! How awesome!