Tonight we had agility class! I am SO happy I went. It is hard for me to get to this class because it starts at 8:20 and I am usually in bed by 9. So at the end of the day, I am tired, usually not feeling like doing anything or leaving the house. Today I took an extra long nap in the afternoon so that I could rest up for agility class tonight!
I”m not going to go through all of what we did in agility. Just a few things. The most important things to me were the front crosses! This is where you have your dog cross from the left side of your body to the right side of your body while they are in front of you (and reverse!). I’ve been practicing them (hopefully practicing them correctly!), so I was ready to show off my hard work.
This time we did jumps instead of cones around the front crosses, and Hestia was great! Hestia was really good pretty much the whole class, except she only does the tunnel like 70% of the time that I ask her to. So we are still working on that. But no big deal.
A couple of times another pup got away from his owner and came running over to Hestia while she was in a stay on a mat. I am SO proud of Hestia– she stayed and ignored the dog! Yay! Lots of treats for that.
And Hestia got away from me once, but her “come” command is so great that I was immediately able to get her.
I had a friend videotape us going through tunnels and doing a front cross! I messed up a bit on the second jump (she should have gone around the second jump on her way back to the first jump instead of over the jump) but overall she did very well.
YAY Empress!! <3 <3 <3 #runhestiarun 😛