Hestia in a black raincoat next to a shopping cart filled with healthy foods like kale, oranges, and apples.
Today after running some errands we stopped by the grocery store. They were having a big sale in the bulk aisle. This meant the aisle was really really messy with all kinds of spilled bulk items all over. It was also crowded with people.
Brad let me get a serving of organic gummy worms! So I put Hestia in a sit stay right in the middle of a bunch of coconut shavings (there wasn’t a lot of choice of free space, it was coconut shavings or nuts or dried soup mix or chocolate). I then proceeded to get my gummies. Hestia did a GREAT sit stay with food all around… That is until I dropped two gummy worms on her head LOL! Then she got up and tried to sniff the gummies. But that was bad mommy more than bad doggy.
The gummy worms did not last long enough for me to get a picture of her with them–I ate them for dessert with my dinner and didn’t think about writing a blog entry until just now. Brad thinks this is hilarious! And it really shows my priorities of gummy worms being more important than a picture of Hestia LOL!
So I am posting an old grocery store pic, as Brad was too tired to take video or pictures at the grocery store. Brad also thinks it is funny that in the grocery store pic, we have healthy things in our cart, and I am talking about buying gummy worms!