Last night was my good friend CJ’s birthday party! We went to Olive Garden to celebrate. It was a lot of fun talking with everyone and eating yummy food. Brad got some pictures, and I am posting them below.
I got to sit next to Tommy, who is one of my favorite people! We had a good time talking and he did a very good job of not petting Hestia. I was pretty much catty-corner to CJ and his wife Melissa, so I was able to talk with them and read lips pretty well. We also got to talk a lot with Dan and Jen. Dan and I did WRAP together, so we are old friends, but I haven’t had a chance to talk with Jen very much so it was really fun!
Also in attendance were Tommy’s parents Dan and Betsey, who were very festively green. Also Tony and his mom Suzanne were there, but it was hard to see their faces so I couldn’t talk much with them.
Since I am gluten free, I couldn’t eat the free breadsticks, but the salad was very tasty. I got gluten free rotini with meat sauce, and it was so tasty I ate the whole bowl (very large portion size). Brad will probably make 2-3 meals out of his!
Here are the pictures!

CJ in a green and blue plaid shirt, holding up his birthday cheesecake. Next to him is his wife Melissa who has awesomely colored dark auburn/purpleish hair and earrings that are like cut out leaves.

Closeup of Hestia in black and white. She is a small black and white dog with a dark patch over one eye and both ears.