Today we went to CVS to pick up some prescriptions. Brad was too tired to come with, so I had to video myself. I’m starting to think I should ask someone else in the store to videotape me. And I should not go so far down the aisle because then you can’t see us or anything. Oh well. Just fast forward through that part. I will also work on making my videos shorter!
As to heel training, I learned that Hestia doesn’t really know where heel is. I thought she did, but she does not. We did 1 step, then 2 steps, then 3 steps training. By the end of the video, she is getting it more down.
So from now on every time she eats a meal we are going to practice getting into heel position from all different directions to get each bite. I’m going to try to take video every day to document her training– and taking a video makes me feel more responsibility that I need to do the training every day and can’t just skip days.
April’s Public Access Test here we come! We are going to do our darnedest to pass!
Great plan–proud of both of you for doing what it takes to re-learn!! 😀
Going back to the basics has really opened my eyes to her troubles with heeling.